The faithful following and respect for existing legal regulations in Spain and the European Union is one of the keys to our success, which made us get the ISO certifications in both Quality Management, Environmental Management, and Security Management and Occupational Health and approved by the Integrated Management System ECOEMBES.

Our facilities, vehicles and workers have the necessary accreditations and training for waste management, thus guaranteeing the quality of our services.

The following are the certifications and authorizations that C.T.C. currently holds:


  • Quality Management System ISO 9001, certified number ER-0300/2012
  •  Environmental Management System ISO 14001, certified number GA-2012/0136
  • Occupational Health and Safety Management System UNE EN ISO 45001:2018, certified with no. SST-0127/2023
  • Certified IQNET Management System
  • ECOEMBES Integrated Management System


Since the publication of Law 22/2011 of waste and contaminated soils, the authorization of the Autonomous Region in which the headquarters of the company is located, with the previous Law 10/1998 on waste, it is only necessary authorizations CTC remained in force each of the Autonomous Communities in which exercised its activity. Currently, the authorizations with which account are:

  • Authorization for the collection and transport of non-hazardous waste (Spain) GRU- 006466-T.
  • Authorization for non-hazardous waste agent GRU-006466-A.
  • Authorization for non-hazardous waste dealer GRU-006466.
  • Authorization for the transport of animal by-products destined for non-human consumption (ABPs), number SE41004028.
  • Hazardous Waste Transport Manager of the Junta de Andalucía, number AN-003268.
  • Authorization as Manager of non- hazardous waste in the Community of Madrid, number 13G04A1400016348T
  • We are registered in the Official Register of Tenderers and Classified Companies of the State with the following classifications: R 05